Position of the Week: Bound to Blow

by Chelle

on Jun 23, 2023

Like a ticking time bomb ready to blow, this oral position will bring you to the edge of an explosive orgasm just in the nick of time. Incorporating BDSM-inspired restriction to spark erotic arousal, Bound to Blow has the potential to turn the classic BJ into an out-of-control eruption. Chick chick boom, watch the pleasure bloom.

Bound to Blow


The first partner lies back on a bed, with their head hanging off the end and knees bent close their chest. Using restraints or a rope, the first partner’s arms should be bound to their knees and wrists to their ankles for a raunchy level of restriction. Once secured, the second partner can position themselves at the end of the bed and slide their penis into prime position.


A touch of danger and dominance gives this position that extra spark, without pushing the boundaries too far. By restricting one partner so they’re in complete service to their kinky companion, a deeply intimate and cutthroat connection is established between both parties. The receiving partner gets all the power and the pleasure this time, but the favour is sure to be reciprocated after a roaring finish.


If you want to share in the BDSM energy together, the receiving partner can steady themselves before slipping on a blindfold. With sight all but disappeared, each touch and suck is sure to feel even more powerful to the senses.

Make it even better

After all the fanfare to get into position, a simple cock ring can increase the stamina of the receiving partner and help build up to a long and explosive crescendo.

As with any BDSM play, make sure you establish a safe word before you get started. If at any point either partner feels uncomfortable, they should call out this word and all action should stop.

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Not the position for you?

We're working to make sure that everyone is represented on our website, regardless of who you love, so we'll be using a variety of gender depictions in our Position of the Week posts. This will include straight, gay, lesbian, and gender neutral couples, but all positions will have details in the description of how to make them work for your own relationship dynamic.

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Lovehoney is a proud member of Stonewall's Diversity Champions programme.

Stonewall campaigns for the equality of lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, questioning and ace (LGBTQ+) people everywhere.

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Written by Chelle. Lovehoney Editorial Team
Chelle is a multi-published adult author who believes great sex starts with having the confidence to explore your fantasies in the bedroom.
A bondage and kink enthusiast, Chelle is also an advocate for BDSM education, and when she’s not writing blogs for Lovehoney, you'll find her planning for her next erotica novel.

Originally published on Jun 23, 2023. Updated on Mar 9, 2025