More Sex Please We're Australian: Frisky Business on SBS2

by Krista

on Aug 17, 2016

jess crop 2We're coming soon to a TV near you!

The documentary series all about Lovehoney, titled Frisky Business (aka The Joy of Sex Toys) will be playing on AU local channel SBS2 starting next week.

You don't want to miss this peak behind the scenes at Lovehoney HQ in the UK and around AU with our Ozzie crew.

Watch Frisky Business episodes 1 and 2 on 23rd August starting at 9.25pm (see SBS2 listings to double check for your timezone)

You won't want to miss episodes 3 and 4 the following week on 30th August.

Click through to check out some of our favourite clips and be sure to tune on to SBS2 on 23rd August to watch the show.

Watch as the camera crew goes down under to follow Lovehoney as we attend SEXPO Australia, meet up with an artist who uses a very unconventional tool in his painting, and hit the park to ask the age old question: is it a dog toy or a sex toy? You be the judge!

Sex Toy or Dog Toy Challenge (Not as easy as you'd think!) | The Joy of Sex Toys

Bondage, Inflatable Genitals and Penis Art! | The Joy of Sex Toys

Tune in for the first two episodes coming up on Tuesday 23rd August AEST 9:25p on SBS2

Behind the scenes at Lovehoney - Frisky Business TV Series

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Written by Krista.

Originally published on Aug 17, 2016. Updated on Mar 10, 2025