Check Out This YouTuber's Top Male Sex Toy Picks

by Jess

on Jun 26, 2018

Here’s a YouTuber’s expert assessment of the top male sex toys. Check it out.

"It's basically a transformer for your dick!" - Calum McSwiggan, YouTuber 

If you follow Lovehoney closely, you'll know that we're always shouting about sex toys and sexual happiness.

We're hollering away on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and even in the streets! 

But sometimes we like to go the extra inch and encourage you, the people of the internet, to join our crusade for sexual happiness. (In other words, sometimes we send out a big ol' box of dicks and ask you to tell us what you thought.)

Recently, we asked YouTuber, Calum McSwiggan if he fancied receiving a satchel of smut in exchange for a sex toy review video. Lucky for us, he did (who wouldn't) - and here is the full text of what he had to say... (below)

Want to know more? Read on to shop the toys featured in Calum's vlog.

Calum is an LGBT Lifestyle YouTuber, making videos about gay rights, mental health, sex education and everything in between. Check out Calum's channel here.

Calum’s Top Male Sex Toys

Sex toys are often seen as something exclusively for women and for people with vaginas.

When we think about sex toys, our minds often go to things like dildos and to vibrators intended to stimulate the clitoris, but what a lot of people don't realize is that there are tons of toys out there also designed for men.

So my friends at Lovehoney sent me literally the biggest crate of sex toys you have ever seen.

I have no idea where I'm gonna put all of these, but the reason they wanted me to try out all the different types of sex toys or the different brands of sex toys so that I could give you an honest review. And talk about my absolute favourites.

So I've been working really, really hard, going through all the toys that they sent me and it has been such hard labour, but you know I make that sacrifice for you guys.

So I'm gonna be talking about my six favourites of all the toys that they sent me in this video. What I love about these is that they're all so different. Like no two of these toys are the same or even similar and that's what I love about this.

Who knew that there were so many different types of sex toys?

So make sure you do that and make sure you following me on my social media as well because I'm gonna be giving away some of these toys over there as well.

Lovehoney Deluxe Extra Powerful Magic Wand Vibrator

The first toy I'm gonna talk about is the Lovehoney Deluxe massage wand vibrator.

Now this is the biggest toy that they sent me and when it first arrived, I'm not gonna lie - I thought it was something that went up the ass, and that terrified me.

But that's not actually what this is for. It's actually a vibrator and it has different vibration patterns and loads of different speeds, so you can really just play around with it and put it wherever you want to.

Kind of figure out what feels best for you. What I really, really love about this toy is how versatile it is, because you can use this anywhere, whereas a lot of toys are designed to stimulate one specific part of the body - it might be designed to stimulate the head of the penis specifically or the shaft of the penis. Whereas this, you can literally use it wherever.

I mean, you could even use this to give somebody a back massage if you want to. People say as well that you can tell if a vibrator is good if it will make you orgasm, because if you place it on your nose then it will make you sneeze. Which is clearly a myth because this doesn't make me sneeze when I put it on my nose - but it did make me do the other thing okay.

Lovehoney Hummer Deluxe Male Masturbator Wand Attachment

The next toy I want to tell you is the Lovehoney Hummer Deluxe Male Masturbator Wand Attachment.

Now this is a really simple toy and it's actually used with the one that I just showed you. It's really easy to attach. So it's basically a transformer for your dick - the toy basically works in exactly the same way. It still vibrates, it still has all the different patterns and all the different speeds, but now it has this sheath attached to it which you can slide yourself into and then play around with and it's a whole different sensation.

It's got two different sides as well, which provide different kinds of sensations. So, one has this ribbing on the inside - it's like a ribbed texture - and then the other side has this kind of dotted texture as well. I know when I first saw this I thought that it looks a little light - I mean it sounds like a humblebrag, but I thought this looks a little small - like it might be uncomfortable - but it's actually not at all.

It's really stretchy and it's just the right amount of tightness - and you don't want it to be too tight - and this is just perfect.

So, I highly recommend this and it's a really great way to transform the wand toy. If you do have one of these or you're thinking about getting one, then I would definitely recommend getting the hummer attachment as well.

Desire Luxury Rechargeable Male Vibrator

The next toy I'm going to talk about is the Desire Luxury Rechargeable Male Vibrator. This is another toy for your dick.

Basically, what I really love about this is that it really feels like a luxury product. When you take this out you feel like you're about to treat yourself, which is always a good thing.

Although this is another vibrator, it's completely different to other ones because this is one that you slide yourself into. It kind of looks like a mini vacuum cleaner, but that's not what it is - and absolutely please never ever put your dick into a vacuum cleaner - that is not gonna end well.

Don't do that, get yourself one of these instead. So obviously, like other ones, you can play around with loads of patterns and intensity, so if you're not really looking for something really intense, you can turn it down.

But I whacked this bad boy on to full, and oh my god, I felt things that I had never felt before.

What I really like about this toy is that, if you want to, you can be really lazy. You can just slide this onto your dick and then just choose your settings to put it on, whatever intensity, whatever pattern you want. And then just let it do its thing.

You can play around with it and you can stroke it up and down and things like that, but you can literally just put it on your dick and let it do its thing. I'm quite lazy sometimes - and I'm not saying I'm a lazy lover, I promise that I'm not - but you can just kind of let it do its thing and it feels bloody good, okay?

Desire Luxury Rechargeable Remote Control Prostate Massager

The next toy I want to show you is the Desire Luxury Rechargeable Remote Control Prostate Massager.

Now this is the only anal toy that I'm gonna be including. As a lot of you guys know, I'm not really into anal play. It's not really for me - I'm not into anal sex, I'm not into anal masturbation. But I wanted to include an anal toy anyway and this one seemed like it was the best.

What I really love about this is that it's basically the prostate version of the male vibrator that I just showed you. So they're essentially the same toy but one’s for your dick and one’s for your prostate.

For anyone that doesn't know how a prostate massager works, you insert one part into your arse and the little bulb is designed to stimulate the prostate and then another part goes on the outside of your body and stimulates the perineum, which is more funnily referred to as the gooch.

And that's basically the area between your balls and your ass. So yeah, it's a fun nifty little toy. And although I haven't properly used it myself, I have actually just gifted one of these to one of my best friends because he's quite new to anal sex.

This is actually quite small, it's not very intrusive, it's not very invasive. So although it will deliver kind of powerful pleasure, a powerful orgasm, it's not a massive thing to put inside you, and I think for somebody new to anal play that's really important.

TENGA Flip Hole Masturbator

The next toy I want to show you is the TENGA Flip Hole Masturbator.

I just received this in the big crate of sex toys that Lovehoney sent over, but I actually already owned one, and this has been thoroughly used.

I've had this for about a year and a half now, and yeah it's been used a lot. If that doesn't show how much I love it, then I don't know what does!

Now the best way that I can describe this toy is it's basically like an obstacle course for your dick. So you slide yourself into the hole here and then when your penis is on the inside and I can open this up – there’s this jelly-like mould on the inside. It's got all kinds of crazy shapes and things that rub against the shaft and the head of your penis and it feels absolutely incredible.

And then basically you can apply as much or as little pressure to the outside here to make it tighter or looser, and then you basically just jerk yourself off like normal. But it feels incredible.

I love this toy, and like I said, I've been using it for like a year-and-a-half now. I've used it on myself, I've used it with partners. It's not electronic – it doesn't vibrate or anything like that – but it's just the perfect little toy. I would honestly recommend this to anyone.

And if you're wondering why this opens up as well, it's to make it easier to clean. It's so easy to clean, it literally takes like five seconds. You just rinse it out after use. You can use sex toy cleaner as well if you want to be particularly thorough, but it's so easy to clean. Nobody wants to be spending minutes cleaning their sex toy because that that just takes all the fun out of it, so I genuinely cannot recommend this toy enough.

Many of my friends have come over to my house and I've shown this to them and they've loved it and then they've gone away and got one for themselves. So that makes it sound like I'm having sex with all of my friends - and that's because I am.

Tracey Cox Supersex Male Vibrator

And that brings us on to the final toy, which is the Tracey Cox Supersex Male Vibrator.

Now that's a mouthful - unlike my penis - this is really unique because this is a soft sheath that goes over the head of your penis.

It's got this ribbing on the inside and then part of the toy vibrates and the vibrations come down and they go into the sheath and the head of your penis.

You can use it like that if you want to. You can just have it stimulate the head of your penis. You can jerk off while it does that, or you can also you place the vibrating egg part against the head of your penis while you're doing it and that kind of amplifies it.

It doubles the sensation. It's a really fun toy to use and I think I probably use this one the most because I really like that you can just kind of jerk off normally while it gives you this extra stimulation.

So it's really fun to use, and again, it's really versatile because you can take out the vibrating egg and then you can just place this anywhere for that extra kind of sensation.

So there's loads of different ways you can play with that toy. Definitely recommend this one.

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Written by Jess.

Originally published on Jun 26, 2018. Updated on Mar 10, 2025